FAQ: Design911 Affiliates program

By design911 on Thursday, January 21, 2021

Affiliates program

Become a Design911 affiliate and earn money from the products you purchase or recommend.

The Design911 affiliates program helps content creators, publishers and bloggers monetise their traffic. Affiliates can use an easy online link to direct their audience to our website via products they recommend and earn from the customer’s total purchase.

Most Porsche enthusiast are a member of a forum or automotive group, many with an extensive following on social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitter, Pinterest, or YouTube.

  1. Sign up.

Join 100’s of creators, publishers and bloggers who are earning with our affiliates program. Use the link to sign up, once completed make a request to Design911 via the Tradedoubler affiliate platform our affiliates program number is 312849, once approved you can start publishing and earning,  approval normally take 1 – 2 days.


  1. Share or Recommend.

Share the products you purchase from Design911 or recommend items that we sell to your audience, use your forum membership or any social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitter, Pinterest, or YouTube. Always use the Tradedoubler link to our website with every shared item.

  1. Earn

Earn 4 % in commission of the basket value from the online order.


What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a retailer rewards one or more publishers (referred to as “affiliates”) for each visitor or customer brought by the publisher’s own marketing efforts.

The publisher is usually rewarded for a pre-defined action, such as a sale, a newsletter registration, a download or a click. Essentially, publishers act as an outsourced sales team for the advertiser, promoting their products and getting rewarded, most often, on a percentage of the basket value.